Shipping@ Shipping/receiving@ Sammy@ 8546@ 111-555-1145@ AGE...61 TO 90 DISCOUNT TOTAL DISPLAY LATE PMT DUE SUMMARY PMT TOTAL SUMMARY SALES TAX OVERALL SUMMARY TOTAL BILLED SUMMARY VENDOR'S DESCRIPTION HBAM2001MAY84 PurchOrd.FM:* Cv107 Cv110 Cv111 Cv112 Chris Nancy Franks Johnson Jones Mcpeal Discount Distributors Premiere Printing Shipping Snider Supplier Supply Warehouse 111-555-1145 111-555-3263 111-555-6445 111-555-9658 P-1047 P-1048 P-1049 P-1051 P-1904 P-1999 01597 Closed T-099 T-100 T-101 Carton Corrugated Envelope Jiffy Kraft Large M-large Powered Shipping Solar Tough Widget X-large Letter Overnite 1.101 13.433 2.957 231.5 431.169 5.373 7.547 77.552 Agawam Company Direct Marketing 01019-9999 555-1212 555-5656 Anytown Building Company Direct Marketing Plaza Street Suite Towers August January September Freight Overnight Discount Freight Overnight 01/17/93 01597 08/30/92 09/15/92 09/25/92 10/15/92 1012.06 1918.00 30.55 3556.75 376.27 465.58 58.69 871.85 91.45 Payment Posted Avenue Baker California Commerce Drive Street Agawam 01001 01029 043884 86433 Xyz-100 Xyz-101 Xyz-103 Non-taxable Taxable 01001 01029 Agawam Avenue Baker California Commerce Discount Distributors Drive Premiere Printing Shipping Snider Street Suite Supplier Supply Warehouse 01001 01019-9999 Agawam Anytown Brownsville Company Department Direct Jones Marketing Sammy Shipping/receiving Smith Station Suite Waterton 01001 01019-9999 Agawam Anytown Brownsville Company Department Direct Jones Marketing Sammy Shipping/receiving Smith Station Suite Waterton Sr-2133-555-8547 Sr-8456-555-6955 Number Resale Sr-2133-555-8547 Sr-8456-555-6955 Suite 043884 86433 Xyz-100 Xyz-101 Xyz-103 Exported Updated Shipment Short 111-555-1145 111-555-5668 111-555-6532 818-555-2362 Chris Direct Franks Johnson Jones Mcpeal Nancy X4525 Add'l Applies Discount Short Cv107-2 Cv110-1 Cv110-2 Cv111-2 Cv112-1 Cv112-2 111-555-0202 111-555-1185 111-555-9543 111-555-9876 111-555-9898 S1095 Pro 1.0F! Pro 2.0 - 2.1I 1/3/94 # OF P.O.S ACCTG CATEGORY ADDRESS STRAIGHT AGE...181 TO 365 AGE...181 TO 365 SUM AGE...31 TO 60 AGE...31 TO 60 SUM OF P.O.S ACCTG CATEGORY ADDRESS STRAIGHT AGE...181 TO 365 AGE...181 TO 365 SUM AGE...31 TO 60 AGE...31 TO 60 SUM OF P.O.S ACCTG CATEGORY ADDRESS STRAIGHT AGE...181 TO 365 AGE...181 TO 365 SUM AGE...31 TO 60 AGE...31 TO 60 SUM AGE...61 TO 90 AGE...61 TO 90 SUM AGE...91 TO 180 AGE...91 TO 180 SUM AGE...LESS THAN 30 AGE...LESS THAN 30 SUM AGE...OVER 365 AGE...OVER 365 SUM BAL DUE BAL DUE SUBCALC BAL DUE SUMMARY BILL ADDRESS BUY PRICE CALC MESSAGE COST EXTENDED DATE PROCESSED DATE RECEIVED DISCOUNT DISCOUNT CALC DISCOUNT OVERALL TOTAL DISCOUNT OVERALL TOTAL SUM DISCOUNT SUMMARY DISCOUNT TEXT DISPLAY DISCOUNT TOTAL DISCOUNT TOTAL DISPLAY DUE DATE EARLY PAY DATE EARLY PAY DAY TERMS EARLY PAY DISC AMT EARLY PAY DISCOUNT EARLY PAY DISCOUNT AMT DISPLAY EARLY PAY OK? EARLY PAY SUMMARY EMPTY EXPORTED? F.O.B. CALC FAX NUMBER INVENTORY UPDATE NEEDED SUM INVENTORY UPDATE NEEDED? INVENTORY UPDATED DATE INVENTORY UPDATED? ITEM WEIGHT ITEM WEIGHT EXTENDED LAST PMT TEXT DISPLAY LATE P.O.? LATE P.O.? SUMMARY LATE PMT DUE LATE PMT DUE SUMMARY MAX ORDER DATE MESSAGE MIN ORDER DATE MONTH NAME MONTH NUMBER NEED BY DATE NET ORDER NET ORDER SUMMARY ORDER DATE ORDER REC'D? OUR ITEM # OVERAGE AMT OVERAGE AMT COUNT SUMMARY OVERAGE AMT SUMMARY OVERALL DISCOUNTS OVERALL DISCOUNTS SUMMARY OVERDUE BAL OVERDUE BAL SUM OVERDUE DAYS OVERDUE DISPLAY P.O. NUMBER PHONE 1 PMT #S PMT AMTS PMT DATES PMT METHODS PMT TOTAL PMT TOTAL SUMMARY # QTY REC'D QTY SHORT...OVER QTY SHORT...OVER SUMMARY QTY SHORT...OVER TOTAL QTY SHORT...OVER VALUE QTY SHORT...OVER VALUE TOTAL RESALE NUMBER RESALE NUMBER CALC DISPLAY SALES ORDER NUMBER SALES TAX DISTRICT RATE SALES TAX DISTRICT RATE DISPLAY SALES TAX DISTRICT TOTAL SALES TAX EARLY PAY DISC SALES TAX LOCAL RATE SALES TAX LOCAL TOTAL SALES TAX OVERALL SALES TAX OVERALL DISPLAY SALES TAX OVERALL SUMMARY SALES TAX RATE SALES TAX STATE SALES TAX STATE TOTAL SALES TAX SUMMARY SHIP ADDRESS SHIPPED VIA SHIPPING SHIPPING COST SUMMARY SHORT...OVER DISPLAY AMT SHORT...OVER DISPLAY SUMMARY SHORTAGE AMT SHORTAGE AMT COUNT SUMMARY SHORTAGE AMT SUMMARY STATUS LATE STATUS OPEN SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL SUMMARY TAX LABEL TAXABLE ! TERM DAYS TERM DAYS CALC TODAY DATE FIELD TOTAL TOTAL BILLED TOTAL BILLED SUMMARY TOTAL OVERALL TOTAL OVERALL SUM TOTAL SALES TOTAL WEIGHT CALC TOTAL WEIGHT LB OZ TOTAL WEIGHT LBS DECIMAL TOTAL WEIGHT OZS U.S. MAIL RATE VENDOR # VENDOR % OF P.O.S VENDOR ADDRESS CALC VENDOR ADDRESS1 VENDOR ADDRESS2 VENDOR CITY VENDOR CONTACT LOOKUP VENDOR CREDIT LIMIT VENDOR FIRST VENDOR ITEM # VENDOR ITEM # COPY VENDOR LAST VENDOR NAME VENDOR STATE VENDOR ZIP VENDOR'S DESCRIPTION VENDOR...YOUR CO NUMBER CALC XTRA CHARGE AMT XTRA CHARGE AMT DISPLAY XTRA CHARGE AMT SUMMARY XTRA CHARGE TEXT XTRA CHARGE TEXT DISPLAY YEAR NAME YOUR COMPANY NAME YOUR COMPANY NUMBER Vendor #B CustVend.FM Vendor FirstB CustVend.FM Vendor LastB CustVend.FM Vendor NameB CustVend.FMS Phone 1B CustVend.FM P.O. NumberB P-93107 Bal DueB if(Due Date = Empty, Empty, if(Early Pay OK? = "add'l discount applies", Bal Due SubCalc, round(((Total + Late Pmt Due) - Pmt Total) + Short...Over display Amt,2))) add'l discount applies Order DateB Date ProcessedB Date ReceivedB A Pmt DatesB Pmt MethodsB AHck C.O.D. Discover Trade Charge Credit Discount Other Pmt #sB Pmt AmtsB A Pmt TotalB AFif(sum(Pmt Amts)= Empty or sum(Pmt Amts)= 0,0, round(sum(Pmt Amts),2)) Late Pmt DueB A Term DaysB CustVend.FM Overdue DaysB if((last(Pmt Dates) - Due Date 1 AND Today Date Field - Due Date > 0 AND Pmt Total .01) OR (last(Pmt Dates) - Due Date < 0 AND Pmt Total = 0),Today Date Field - Due Date,0) Plaza@ Payment@ 043884@ Shipping@ Shipping/receiving@ Sammy@ 8546@ 111-555-1145@ AGE...61 TO 90 DISCOUNT TOTAL DISPLAY LATE PMT DUE SUMMARY PMT TOTAL SUMMARY SALES TAX OVERALL SUMMARY TOTAL BILLED SUMMARY VENDOR'S DESCRIPTION Due DateB A|if(Date Received = Empty, Empty, if(Term Days = "C.O.D." OR Term Days = "Pre-Pd", Date Received, Date Received + Term Days)) C.O.D. Pre-Pd Status LATEB A!if(Overdue Display > 0,"LATE","") LATE' Status OPENB A3if(Bal Due >0 OR Bal Due = Empty,"OPEN", "CLOSED") OPEN' CLOSED Our Item #B Vendor's DescriptionB Products.FM TaxableB Customers CostB Products.FM (A Buy PriceB Adif(Vendor's Description = Empty, Empty, round(Cost Extended - (Cost Extended * Extend(Discount)),2)) Sales Tax State TotalB Avif(Vendor State = Sales Tax State AND Taxable = "Yes", round((SubTotal - Discount Total) * (Sales Tax Rate/100),2) ,0) DiscountB CustVend.FM TotalB round((SubTotal - Discount Total) + Sales Tax State Total + Sales Tax District Total + Sales Tax Local Total + Shipping + Xtra Charge Amt,2) ShippingB Cost ExtendedB A 0, Round(Sum (Cost Extended) - Sum (Buy Price),2), "") Vendor StateB CustVend.FM Item Weight ExtendedB Qty * Item Weight Item WeightB Products.FM Total Weight OzsB Sum(Item Weight Extended) Shipped ViaB Hand Deliver Cust Pick-Up 1st Cl.-Priority Mail 3rd Class Mail 4th Class Parcel Express Mail UPS Ground UPS 3 Day Select UPS Blue UPS Red UPS Overnite Letter UPS 2 Day Air Letter Fed Express Special M U.S. Mail Total Weight CalcB Aiif(round((Total Weight Ozs/16),3) < 1,Total Weight Ozs & " oz.",round((Total Weight Ozs/16),3) & " lbs.") oz.( lbs.( Term Days CalcB if(Early Pay Discount = 0 OR Early Pay Discount = Empty, Term Days & if(Term Days "Pre-Pd" AND Term Days "C.O.D.", " Days Net",""), round(Early Pay Discount * 100,0) & "% " & Early Pay Day Terms & "/ " & TB erm Days & " days net") Pre-Pd & C.O.D. ' Days Net' (' days net( SubTotalB round(sum(Cost Extended),2) F.O.B. CalcB A!Vendor City & ", " & Vendor State Your Company NameB Company.FM Sales Tax RateB Company.FM Sales Tax StateB Company.FM Address StraightB Company.FM Bal Due SummaryB Sales Tax SummaryB Total Billed SummaryB Discount CalcB Discount Total Discount SummaryB Late Pmt Due SummaryB Month NameB MonthName(Order Date) bA Year NameB Year(Date Processed) Month NumberB Month(Order Date) Age...61 to 90B A;if(Overdue Display 61 AND Overdue Display 90,Bal Due,0) Age...91 to 180B A 365,Bal Due,0) Age...Over 365 SumB Discount Text DisplayB ABif(Discount Total 0, round(Discount * 100,2) & "% Discount:","") % Discount:(' Xtra Charge Text DisplayB A1if(Xtra Charge Amt > 0,Xtra Charge Text & ":","") Xtra Charge Amt DisplayB A1if(Xtra Charge Amt = Empty,Empty,Xtra Charge Amt) Last Pmt Text DisplayB if(Pmt Total > 0,"Last Payment: " & last(Pmt Methods) & " #" & last (Pmt #s) & " for $" & last(Pmt Amts) & if(int(last(Pmt Amts)) = Last(Pmt Amts),".00", if (Length(Last(Pmt Amts)) - Position(Last(Pmt Amts),"BC.",1) = 1,"0","")) & " - posted " & DateToText(last(Pmt Dates)),"") Last Payment: W for $(W - posted (W Discount Total DisplayB if(Discount Total > 0,"-$" & round(Discount Total,2) & if(Int(round(Discount Total,2)) = Discount Total, ".00", if(Length(round(Discount Total,2)) - Position(round(Discount Total,2),".",1) = 1, "0", "")),"") Vendor Address1B CustVend.FM Vendor CityB CustVend.FM Vendor ZipB CustVend.FM Total Weight Lb ozB Anint(Total Weight Ozs/16) & " lbs " & round((Total Weight Ozs/16 - int(Total Weight Ozs/16)) * 16,1) & " oz" lbs ( Overdue DisplayB if(Bal Due > 0,Overdue Days,0) Vendor Item #B Products.FM A Tax LabelB A+if(Taxable = "Yes","Taxable","Non-Taxable") Taxable' Non-Taxable Vendor Address CalcB CustVend.FM Bill AddressB Company.FM Ship AddressB Company.FM Your Company NumberB Resale NumberB Company.FM Resale Number Calc DisplayB A@if(Taxable = "No", "Our Resale Number is: " & Resale Number, "") Our Resale Number is: & Need By dateB MessageB Vendor Address2B CustVend.FM Vendor Item # CopyB Products.FM Acctg CategoryB Products.FM A Qty Rec'dB Qty Short...OverB A3if(extend(Date Received) = Empty, 0,Qty -Qty Rec'd) Order Rec'd?B A&if(Date Received <> Empty, "Yes","No") A Exported?B Exported Inventory Updated?B Updated Qty Short...Over ValueB A>round(Qty Short...Over * (Cost - (Cost * Extend(Discount))),2) Qty Short...Over Value TotalB Aoround(Sum(Qty Short...Over Value) + if(Taxable = "Yes",(Sales Tax Rate/100) * Sum(Qty Short...Over Value),0),2) Qty Short...Over TotalB round(Sum(Qty Short...Over),2) Calc MessageB Adif(Qty Short...Over Total > 0, "SHORT Shipment", if(Qty Short...Over Total < 0, "OVER Shipment","")) SHORT Shipment OVER Shipment' Min Order DateB Max Order DateB Vendor Contact LookUpB CustVend.FM Vendor Credit LimitB CustVend.FM # of P.O.sB Late P.O.?B if(Status LATE = "Late","T","") Vendor % of P.O.sB :(_N^Nu Subtotal SummaryB :(_N^Nu Shipping Cost SummaryB :(_N^Nu Xtra Charge Amt SummaryB :(_N^Nu Today Date FieldB Early Pay Day TermsB CustVend.FM Early Pay DateB A Order Date + Early Pay Day Terms Early Pay DiscountB CustVend.FM Early Pay Disc AmtB A&round(SubTotal * Early Pay Discount,2) Early Pay SummaryB Early Pay OK?B if(last(pmt Dates) = "" AND Today Date Field Early Pay Date AND Early Pay Discount > 0, "Add'l discount applies", if(Pmt Total (Total - Early Pay Disc Amt) AND Today Date Field Early Pay Date AND Early P ay Discount > 0, "Add'l discount applies", if(last(Pmt Dates) > Early Pay Date, "NO add'l discount - LATE", if(last(Pmt Dates) Early Pay Date AND Early Pay Date > Today Date Field AND Pmt Total < (Total - C Early Pay Disc Amt), "NO add'l discount - $ SHORT", if(last(Pmt Dates) > Early Pay Date AND Early Pay Date Today Date Field AND Pmt Total (Total - Early Pay Disc Amt), "NO add'l discount - LATE", if(last(P mt Dates) Early Pay Date AND Early Pay Date Today Date Field AND Pmt Total < (Total - Early Pay Disc Amt), "NO add'l discount - $ SHORT","Add'l discount applies")))))) Add'l discount applies Add'l discount appliesW NO add'l discount - LATEW NO add'l discount - $ SHORT NO add'l discount - LATEW NO add'l discount - $ SHORT' Add'l discount applies Bal Due SubCalcB AQround(((Total Overall + Late Pmt Due) - Pmt Total) + Short...Over display Amt,2) A Net OrderB AVround(Total Billed - Early Pay Discount Amt Display - Shortage Amt - Discount Total,2) Net Order SummaryB Total BilledB AVround(Total Overall + Discount Total + Overage Amt + Early Pay Discount Amt Display,2) Early Pay Discount Amt DisplayB ABif(Early Pay OK? = "add'l discount applies", Early Pay Disc Amt,0) add'l discount applies Overall DiscountsB A8round(Early Pay Discount Amt Display + Discount Total,2) Overall Discounts SummaryB :(_N^Nu Late P.O.? SummaryB Qty Short...Over SummaryB Pmt Total SummaryB :(_N^Nu Overage AmtB AIif(Qty Short...Over Value Total < 0, Qty Short...Over Value Total * -1,0) Overage Amt SummaryB Overage Amt Count SummaryB Shortage AmtB ADif(Qty Short...Over Value Total > 0, Qty Short...Over Value Total,0) Shortage Amt SummaryB Shortage Amt Count SummaryB Age...31 to 60B A/Over: FAX To: Accounts PayableB YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX Lookup Total OPEN: Total Paid: Balance Due: Total Payables: Page ## Discounts: E Late Fee: Total Discounts: Accounts Payable EBFor searching instructions, please scroll over the to right margin When in the FIND mode, you may search for any data in any field(s) on this screen by simply entering the data in the field(s) you wish to search by. You may also search according to your own Company Number by B6clicking ONE of the check boxes (labeled 1 - 5) below. SEARCHING INSTRUCTIONS As of // Reports Data Entry 9 Data Entry 13 Overages(+): Shortages(-): Date Due Amount Payments Bal Due Overdue Days Late Pmt P.O. Num Short/Over Aging ReportB Lookup Total OPEN: Total Paid: Balance Due: Total: Page ## Discounts: Date Due Amount Payments Bal Due Overdue Days Late Pmt P.O. Num Aging Report for EBFor searching instructions, please scroll over the to right margin When in the FIND mode, you may search for any data in any field(s) on this screen by simply entering the data in the field(s) you wish to search by. You may also search according to your own Company Number by B6clicking ONE of the check boxes (labeled 1 - 5) below. SEARCHING INSTRUCTIONS As of // Reports Data Entry 9 Data Entry 13 Short/Over: Short/Over Vendor HistoryB Total Outstanding: Page ## Total Purchases: Vendor History for EBFor searching instructions, please scroll over the to right margin When in the FIND mode, you may search for any data in any field(s) on this screen by simply entering the data in the field(s) you wish to search by. You may also search according to your own Company Number by B6clicking ONE of the check boxes (labeled 1 - 5) below. SEARCHING INSTRUCTIONS As of // Reports Data Entry 9 Data Entry 13 Lookup Total OPEN: Total Paid: Balance Due: Discounts: Date Due Amount Payments Bal Due Overdue Days Late Pmt P.O. Num Short/Over: Short/Over Purchase HistoryB YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX Page ## Total Purchases: Year: Month: Total Purchases: Total Sales Tax: Total Purchases: Total Sales Tax: Purchase History for EBFor searching instructions, please scroll over the to right margin When in the FIND mode, you may search for any data in any field(s) on this screen by simply entering the data in the field(s) you wish to search by. You may also search according to your own Company Number by B6clicking ONE of the check boxes (labeled 1 - 5) below. SEARCHING INSTRUCTIONS As of // Reports Data Entry 9 Data Entry 13 Outstanding: Items Ordered Shipped Overages E Sales Tax Shipping Charges Xtra Amounts Total Purchases Regular Discounts Early Pay Discounts Shipped Shortages Net Purchases Items Ordered Shipped Overages ^E Sales Tax Shipping Charges Xtra Amounts Total Purchases Regular Discounts Early Pay Discounts Shipped Shortages Net Purchases REPORTSB Reports This space left open for user Print Accounts Payable Print Accounts Payable Print Purchase History Print Purchase History Print Aging Report Print Aging Report Print Vendor History Print Vendor History Print Aging > 15 Days Late Print Aging > 15 Days Late Print Aging > 30 Days Late Print Aging > 30 Days Late Print Purchase Orders Print Purchase Orders FUTURE FUTURE Data Entry 9 Data Entry 13 Print Vendor Statistics (ALL) Print Vendor Statistics (ALL) Print Vendor Statistics (Find) Print Vendor Statistics (Find) FUTURE FUTURE Print Aging Schedule Print Aging Schedule Update Inventory Update Inventory Print Purchase History (w/Find) Print Purchase History (w/Find) DATA ENTRY 13"B YesfX YesfX Data Entry E Record @@ Vendor Name Vendor Name Item# Item# Vendor's Description Vendor's Description E Extension E Extension Net Cost Net Cost Ship Weight: Ship Weight: E Ship Via: E Ship Via: Date Processed Date Processed Bal Due Bal Due TODAY TODAY Your Comp Number Your Comp Number Status Status P.O. # P.O. # Disc % Disc % Order Date Order Date E Term Days E Term Days Due Date Due Date Need By Need By Order Rec Order Rec d Date d Date E Shipping: E Shipping: Xtra Chrg: Xtra Chrg: E Xtra Amt: E Xtra Amt: State Tax Rate: State Tax Rate: Local Tax Rate: Local Tax Rate: Sales Tax: E Subtotal: E Discount: Sales Tax: E Subtotal: E Discount: Total Sale: Total Sale: Taxable Taxable Lookup Code Lookup Code Sales Order(s) Sales Order(s) Info/Paymts Reports Print Paybles Print P.O. INFO & PAYMENTS 13"B Print P.O. Payables Reports Data Entry Info & Paymts This space left open for user E Record @@ Message Message E Pmt Dates Pmt #s Pmt Amts E Pmt Dates Pmt Meth Pmt Meth Pmt #s Pmt Amts Bal Due Bal Due Order Date Order Date Date Processed Date Processed Need By Need By Date Received Date Received Total Sale: Total Sale: Early Pay Disc Early Pay Disc Late Fee Due Late Fee Due E Pmt Total E Pmt Total Bal Due Bal Due P.O. Number P.O. Number First/Last Vendor Name E Address 1 City/State/Zip First/Last """""" """""" Vendor Name E Address 1 City/State/Zip """""" """""" """""" E Address 2 E Address 2 Phone Phone Lookup Lookup Taxable Taxable Order Rec Order Rec TODAY TODAY E Charge To Charge To: Status Status Due Date Due Date E Term Days E Term Days Overdue Overdue WELCOMEB E&Click one of these buttons to continue 1992-1994 working solutionz software 2191 Rosecrans St. Simi Valley, CA 93065 (805) 522-2170 BIZ Basics works exclusively with FileMaker Pro. FileMaker Pro is a Registered trademark of Claris CorporatioB 2.1v1 Vendor StatisticsB YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX YesfX Vendor Statistics As of // Vend # TOTAL Billed Total Paid: Balance Due: Discounts: LATE POs Credit Limit Vendor Contact # 0f POs % of Total At A Glance: Page ## Reports Data Entry 9 Data Entry 13 Short/Over Items Ordered Shipped Overages E Sales Tax Shipping Charges Xtra Amounts Total Purchases Regular Discounts Early Pay Discounts Shipped Shortages Net Purchases EZ DATA ENTRYB YesfX YesfX Total Sale: Sales Tax: P.O. # Disc % Lookup Code E Ship Via: E Subtotal: E Discount: Print P.O. Print Paybles Reports Info/Paymts Easy Entry Total Sale: Sales Tax: P.O. # Disc % Lookup Code E Ship Via: E Subtotal: E Discount: Taxable Taxable Order Date Order Date Your Company Number Your Company Number Need By Need By E Record @@ d Date d Date Item# Item# Vendor's Description Vendor's Description E Extension E Extension Net Cost Net Cost Shipping Shipping Xtra Amt Xtra Amt E Xtra Chrg E Xtra Chrg Press the tab key to move from field to field. This EZ screen lets you work with the bare minimum of fields to help keep your data entry as simple as possible. TO BEGIN: Click in (or tab to) the Lookup Code fiB eld and type the name of the Vendor you already added to your CustVend.FM file. Press tab and all the necessary information (address, terms, etc.) will automatically be looked up and entered into this file a nd create a new P.O. IMPORTANT: Once you receive your order, it is necessary that you enter the d Date . All inventory updates are based on this date field and will not update unless you enter it! """""" """""" """""" """""" """""" """""" Scroll over for Help --- Aging ScheduleB Page ## P.O. Num Order Date Amount E < 31 Days 31 - 60 61 - 90 91 - 180 Aging Schedule for As of // Customer 181-365 TOTALS: > 1 Year Total Outstanding: Vend # Reports Data Entry 9 Data Entry 13 UPDATE INVENTORYB Inventory Update Reports Data Entry 9 Data Entry 13 A'Purchase Orders need inventory updates. UPDATE Number Vendor Updated Date EQTo Update your inventory, scroll down and click the button called UPDATE below. Intentionally Left Blank CV110D JohnsonF A-1 Shipping SupplyH 111-555-6445I P-1047J 9/6/92O 9/6/92 P 9/10/92Q 9/15/92R 01597T 376.27U 376.27V 10/10/92] CLOSED_ 032`,Kraft 9 x 12 shipping envelope (10 per Case) (Jiffy #3 shipping envelope (25 per Case) 110 x 10 x 3 Corrugated shipping box (20 per Case)a 16.90 21.63h 129.78i 18.02j 383.59n 129.78t 18.42 25.389 1.842 4.2315 18.362} 47.309 UPS Overnite Letter 2.957 lbs. 2% 10/ 30 days net 343.28 EAST OTIS, MA ABC Direct Marketing PYABC Direct Marketing 4384 Oak Street, Suite 8 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-5656 a September Overnight Freight Overnight Freight: 5Last Payment: ck #01597 for $376.27 - posted 09/15/92 4563 Commerce Drive EAST OTIS 01029 2 lbs 15.3 oz Taxable FA-1 Shipping Supply 4563 Commerce Drive Suite 302 EAST OTIS, MA 01029 ABC Direct Marketing Attn: Ted Smith Shipping/Receiving Department 600 Brownsville Station Rd. Suite 19 ANYTOWN, MA 01019-9999 ABC Direct Marketing Attn: Ted Smith Shipping/Receiving Department 600 Brownsville Station Rd. Suite 19 ANYTOWN, MA 01019-9999 SR-2133-555-8547 Suite 302 Exported Updated 'Tim Johnson; Direct: 111-555-5668 x4525 9/15/92 09/16/92 Add'l discount applies 376.27 383.14 CV110-2 22.31 376.27 21.86 11/19/93 111-555-9898 S1095 CV112D ChrisE FranksF Premiere PrintingH 111-555-3263I P-1048J -186.04N 9/20/92O 9/20/92P 9/27/92Q 10/15/92R 1269T 1012.06U 1012.06X 10/27/92] CLOSED_ T-099 T-100 T-101` M-Large Logo T (ea) Large Logo T (ea) X-Large Logo T (ea)a 4.75h 237.5i 849.78n 12.95o 237.5t 222.24 555.6 9.26} 1240.84 C U.S. Mail 77.552 lbs. 2% 10/ 30 days net 636.5 EAST OTIS, MA XYZ Company .0525 P_XYZ Company Plaza Towers Building, 4565 18th Street Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-1212 a September -186.04 18.23 RUSH: 5Last Payment: ck #1269 for $1012.06 - posted 10/15/92 847 West 20th Street EAST OTIS 01029 77 lbs 8.8 oz XYZ-103 XYZ-100 XYZ-101 Taxable ;Premiere Printing 847 West 20th Street EAST OTIS, MA 01029 JXYZ Company Attn: Sammy Jones 4780 Waterton Ave. Dock 57 AGAWAM, MA 01001 JXYZ Company Attn: Sammy Jones 4780 Waterton Ave. Dock 57 AGAWAM, MA 01001 SR-8456-555-6955 9/23/92 XYZ-103 XYZ-100 XYZ-101 Exported Updated 23.76 SHORT Shipment &Mr. Chris Franks; Direct: 818-555-2362 9/8/93 09/30/92 12.73 NO add'l discount - LATE -186.04 826.02 849.78 23.76 CV112-1 -23.76 849.78 11/19/93 111-555-9543 CV112D ChrisE FranksF Premiere PrintingH 111-555-3263I P-1049J 8/1/92O 9/7/92P 9/20/92Q 9/25/92R 1245T 1918U 1918X 10/20/92] CLOSED_ T-099 T-101` M-Large Logo T (ea) X-Large Logo T (ea)a 4.75h 1918n 1852| 9.26} C U.S. Mail 231.5 lbs. 2% 10/ 30 days net EAST OTIS, MA ABC Direct Marketing .0525 PYABC Direct Marketing 4384 Oak Street, Suite 8 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-5656 August 53.65 5Last Payment: ck #1245 for $1918.00 - posted 09/25/92 847 West 20th Street EAST OTIS 01029 231 lbs 8 oz XYZ-103 XYZ-101 Non-Taxable ;Premiere Printing 847 West 20th Street EAST OTIS, MA 01029 ABC Direct Marketing Attn: Ted Smith Shipping/Receiving Department 600 Brownsville Station Rd. Suite 19 ANYTOWN, MA 01019-9999 ABC Direct Marketing Attn: Ted Smith Shipping/Receiving Department 600 Brownsville Station Rd. Suite 19 ANYTOWN, MA 01019-9999 SR-2133-555-8547 &Our Resale Number is: SR-2133-555-8547 XYZ-103 XYZ-101 Exported Updated &Mr. Chris Franks; Direct: 818-555-2362 5/8/93 08/11/92 NO add'l discount - LATE CV112-2 11/19/93 111-555-9543 CV111D NancyE McPealF Discount Supplier WarehouseH 111-555-1145I P-1904J 1/6/93O 1/6/93P 1/17/93Q 1/17/93R 1234T 30.55U 30.55 02/16/93] CLOSED_ TOUGH PAK KIT (10 per Box) SOLAR POWERED WIDGET (ea)a 10.49 3.19h 20.98 9.57i 30.55o 20.98 9.57t 85.9736 42.9868} 85.9736 C U.S. Mail 5.373 lbs. 2% 10/ 30 days net 30.55 AGAWAM, MA ABC Direct Marketing .0525 PYABC Direct Marketing 4384 Oak Street, Suite 8 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-5656 January 3Last Payment: ck #1234 for $30.55 - posted 01/17/93 9873 Baker Street AGAWAM 01001 5 lbs 6 oz --86433 043884 Non-Taxable ADiscount Supplier Warehouse 9873 Baker Street AGAWAM, MA 01001 ABC Direct Marketing Attn: Ted Smith Shipping/Receiving Department 600 Brownsville Station Rd. Suite 19 ANYTOWN, MA 01019-9999 ABC Direct Marketing Attn: Ted Smith Shipping/Receiving Department 600 Brownsville Station Rd. Suite 19 ANYTOWN, MA 01019-9999 SR-2133-555-8547 &Our Resale Number is: SR-2133-555-8547 --86433 043884 Exported Updated "Nancy McPeal; Direct: 111-555-1145 9/8/93 01/16/93 NO add'l discount - LATE 30.55 30.55 CV111-2 30.55 11/19/93 111-555-1185 CV110D JohnsonF A-1 Shipping SupplyH 111-555-6445 P-1047J 9/6/92O 9/6/92 P 9/10/92Q 9/15/92R 01597T 465.58U 465.58V 10/10/92] CLOSED_ 038`,Kraft 9 x 12 shipping envelope (10 per Case) (Jiffy #3 shipping envelope (25 per Case) 110 x 10 x 3 Corrugated shipping box (20 per Case) 160 x18 x 12 Corrugated shipping box (20 per Case)a 16.90 21.63 25.56h 129.78 102.24i 23.39j 492.48n 129.78 102.24t 18.42 25.389 73.448| 1.842 4.2315 18.362} 120.757 UPS Overnite Letter 7.547 lbs. 2% 10/ 30 days net 445.52 EAST OTIS, MA ABC Direct Marketing PYABC Direct Marketing 4384 Oak Street, Suite 8 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-5656 a September Overnight Freight Overnight Freight: 5Last Payment: ck #01597 for $465.58 - posted 09/15/92 4563 Commerce Drive EAST OTIS 01029 7 lbs 8.8 oz Taxable FA-1 Shipping Supply 4563 Commerce Drive Suite 302 EAST OTIS, MA 01029 ABC Direct Marketing Attn: Ted Smith Shipping/Receiving Department 600 Brownsville Station Rd. Suite 19 ANYTOWN, MA 01019-9999 ABC Direct Marketing Attn: Ted Smith Shipping/Receiving Department 600 Brownsville Station Rd. Suite 19 ANYTOWN, MA 01019-9999 SR-2133-555-8547 Suite 302 Exported Updated 25.56 SHORT Shipment 'Tim Johnson; Direct: 111-555-5668 x4525 9/8/93 09/16/92 NO add'l discount - $ SHORT 465.58 492.48 CV110-2 -26.9 28.96 492.48 28.96 11/19/93 111-555-9898 CV110D JohnsonF A-1 Shipping Supply 111-555-6445I P-1051J -1.63N 9/21/92O 7/16/92P 7/21/92Q 8/30/92R 5623T 91.45U 91.45X 08/20/92] CLOSED_ 028`,Kraft 9 x 12 shipping envelope (10 per Case) -Kraft 6 x 9 shipping envelope (20 per Carton) (Jiffy #1 shipping envelope (25 per Case)a 4.20h 12.75 91.45n 12.75 12.63| 1.263} 17.61 C U.S. Mail 1.101 lbs. 2% 10/ 30 days net 81.45 EAST OTIS, MA XYZ Company P_XYZ Company Plaza Towers Building, 4565 18th Street Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-1212 a September -1.63 3Last Payment: ck #5623 for $91.45 - posted 08/30/92 4563 Commerce Drive EAST OTIS 01029 1 lbs 1.6 oz Non-Taxable FA-1 Shipping Supply 4563 Commerce Drive Suite 302 EAST OTIS, MA 01029 JXYZ Company Attn: Sammy Jones 4780 Waterton Ave. Dock 57 AGAWAM, MA 01001 JXYZ Company Attn: Sammy Jones 4780 Waterton Ave. Dock 57 AGAWAM, MA 01001 SR-8456-555-6955 &Our Resale Number is: SR-8456-555-6955 9/22/92 Suite 302 Exported Updated 'Tim Johnson; Direct: 111-555-5668 x4525 9/8/93 10/01/92 Add'l discount applies -1.63 89.82 91.45 CV110-1 89.82 11/19/93 111-555-9898 CV112D ChrisE FranksF Premiere PrintingH 111-555-3263I P-1048J -7.61N 9/20/92O 9/20/92P 9/27/92Q 10/15/92R 1269T 871.85U 871.85X 10/27/92] CLOSED_ T-099 T-100 T-101` M-Large Logo T (ea) Large Logo T (ea) X-Large Logo T (ea)a 4.75h 237.5 33.42j 889.24n 12.95o 237.5t 222.24 555.6 9.26} 1240.84 C U.S. Mail 77.552 lbs. 2% 10/ 30 days net 636.5 EAST OTIS, MA XYZ Company P_XYZ Company Plaza Towers Building, 4565 18th Street Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-1212 a September -7.61 18.23 RUSH: 4Last Payment: ck #1269 for $871.85 - posted 10/15/92 847 West 20th Street EAST OTIS 01029 77 lbs 8.8 oz XYZ-103 XYZ-100 XYZ-101 Taxable ;Premiere Printing 847 West 20th Street EAST OTIS, MA 01029 JXYZ Company Attn: Sammy Jones 4780 Waterton Ave. Dock 57 AGAWAM, MA 01001 JXYZ Company Attn: Sammy Jones 4780 Waterton Ave. Dock 57 AGAWAM, MA 01001 SR-8456-555-6955 9/23/92 XYZ-103 XYZ-100 XYZ-101 Exported Updated SHORT Shipment &Mr. Chris Franks; Direct: 818-555-2362 5/8/93 09/30/92 12.73 NO add'l discount - LATE -7.61 864.24 889.24 CV112-1 39.79 889.24 39.79 11/19/93 111-555-9876 CV112D ChrisE FranksF Premiere PrintingH 111-555-3263I P-1049J 8/1/92O 9/7/92P 9/20/92Q 9/25/92R 1245T 3556.75U 3556.75X 10/20/92] CLOSED_ T-099 T-100 M-Large Logo T (ea) Large Logo T (ea)a 4.75h 1543.75 1995i 3556.75n 1543.75 1995t 3009.5 3889.2| 9.26} 6898.7 C U.S. Mail 431.169 lbs. 2% 10/ 30 days net 3538.75 EAST OTIS, MA ABC Direct Marketing PYABC Direct Marketing 4384 Oak Street, Suite 8 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-5656 August 99.42 5Last Payment: ck #1245 for $3556.75 - posted 09/25/92 847 West 20th Street EAST OTIS 01029 431 lbs 2.7 oz XYZ-103 XYZ-100 Non-Taxable ;Premiere Printing 847 West 20th Street EAST OTIS, MA 01029 ABC Direct Marketing Attn: Ted Smith Shipping/Receiving Department 600 Brownsville Station Rd. Suite 19 ANYTOWN, MA 01019-9999 ABC Direct Marketing Attn: Ted Smith Shipping/Receiving Department 600 Brownsville Station Rd. Suite 19 ANYTOWN, MA 01019-9999 SR-2133-555-8547 &Our Resale Number is: SR-2133-555-8547 XYZ-103 XYZ-100 Exported Updated &Mr. Chris Franks; Direct: 818-555-2362 5/8/93 08/11/92 70.78 NO add'l discount - LATE 3556.75 3556.75 CV112-2 3556.75 11/19/93 111-555-9876 CV107D BillE Jones Snider DistributorsH 111-555-9658I P-1999J 1/6/93O 1/6/93P 1/17/93Q 1/17/93R 1234T 58.69U 58.69X 02/16/93] CLOSED_ TOUGH PAK KIT (10 per Box) SOLAR POWERED WIDGET (ea)a 10.49 3.19h 47.21 11.48i 58.69o 52.45 12.76t 6.52u 214.934 42.9868} 214.934 C U.S. Mail 13.433 lbs. 2% 5/ 30 days net 65.21 AGAWAM, MA ABC Direct Marketing PYABC Direct Marketing 4384 Oak Street, Suite 8 Anytown, MA 01019-9999 (555) 555-5656 January 10% Discount: 3Last Payment: ck #1234 for $58.69 - posted 01/17/93 -$6.52 589 West California Avenue AGAWAM 01001 13 lbs 6.9 oz --86433 043884 Non-Taxable LSnider Distributors 589 West California Avenue Suite 21A AGAWAM, MA 01001 ABC Direct Marketing Attn: Ted Smith Shipping/Receiving Department 600 Brownsville Station Rd. Suite 19 ANYTOWN, MA 01019-9999 ABC Direct Marketing Attn: Ted Smith Shipping/Receiving Department 600 Brownsville Station Rd. Suite 19 ANYTOWN, MA 01019-9999 SR-2133-555-8547 &Our Resale Number is: SR-2133-555-8547 Suite 21A --86433 043884 Exported Updated $Mr. Bill Jones; Direct: 111-555-6532 9/8/93 01/11/93 NO add'l discount - LATE 58.69 65.21 CV107-2 58.69 11/19/93 111-555-0202 Updated *---SCRIPTS THAT CONTROL WINDOW ZOOMING---- Zoom Window Un-Zoom Window Go To 9" Data Entry & Zoom Go To 13" Info/Payments & Zoom Go To 13" Data Entry & Zoom ,--------LAYOUT SIZE CONTROL SCRIPTS--------- Go To "Data Entry" for finds %Go To "Order Info/Payments" for finds Begin Guided Expedition... GoTo HomeBase GoTo EZ Data Entry GoTo Data Entry GoTo Order Info/Payments GoTo Reports # GoTo Find Print Purchase Orders )%Print Purchase Order (Current Record) Print Accounts Payable Print Aging Report Print Aging Schedule Print Aging >15 Days Late Print Aging >30 Days Late Print Vendor History (All) Print Vendor History (w/Find) Print Overall Purchase History Print Purchase History (w/Find) Print Vendor Statistics Print Vendor Statistics (Find) Go To Inventory Update... O+Export For DataTranzlator (Rec'd AND Paid) Q"Export For DataTranzlator (Rec'd) T --------Utility Scripts--------- Update Inventory Close File Subroutine Hide Status Area Show Status Area ^!Import Clean-up (relookups, etc.) Printing Subroutine b+--------------HomeBase Scripts------------- New Record, Paste Vendor Go To 9" Data Entry h'Print Vendor History (from HomeBase.FM) j&View Vendor History (from HomeBase.FM) l(Print Vendor Statistics From HomeBase.FM n%Update "Today" Field From HomeBase.FM New Record 9" New Record 13" t,Print Specific Vendor Stats from HomeBase.FM v+View Specific Vendor Stats from HomeBase.FM x,--------------PICK LIST Scripts------------- Pick A Vendor... |"Paste Lookup Code From CustVend.FM Pick An Item Number... Print Accounts Payable Print Aging Report Print Aging >15 Days Late Print Aging >30 Days Late Print Overall Purchase History Print Purchase Orders GoTo Data Entry GoTo Order Info/Payments GoTo Reports A GoTo Find Print Vendor History (All) Hide Status Area Show Status Area Zoom Window Un-Zoom Window GoTo HomeBase HomeBase.FM $A+--------------HomeBase Scripts------------- New Record, Paste Vendor Go To 9" Data Entry Go To 13" Data Entry & Zoom *A+Export For DataTranzlator (Rec'd AND Paid) BIZ PurchOrd For Quicken Exported Exported Update Inventory Inv_Hist.FM Inv_Temp.FM Inv_Hist.FM Products.FM Updated .A'Print Vendor History (from HomeBase.FM) /A&View Vendor History (from HomeBase.FM) Updated Go To 13" Info/Payments & Zoom Print Vendor Statistics Print Vendor Statistics (Find) 4A(Print Vendor Statistics From HomeBase.FM 1t [Su 5A%Update "Today" Field From HomeBase.FM cv112 New Record 9" New Record 13" 8A,Print Specific Vendor Stats from HomeBase.FM cv112 9A*---SCRIPTS THAT CONTROL WINDOW ZOOMING---- Go To "Data Entry" for finds Defin LA"Export For DataTranzlator (Rec'd) BIZ PurchOrd For Quicken Exported Exported PA --------Utility Scripts--------- Print Vendor History (w/Find) Print Purchase History (w/Find) Go To Inventory Update... Updated Pick A Vendor... CustVend.FM Define Scripts for PurchOrd.FM YA"Paste Lookup Code From CustVend.FM ZA,--------------PICK LIST Scripts------------- Pick An Item Number... Products.FM Define Scripts for PurchOrd.FM Close File Subroutine Company.FM Employee.FM UPSZones.FM MailZone.FM ^A%Print Purchase Order (Current Record) Begin Guided Expedition... HomeBase.FM Begin Guided Expedition... Begin Guided Expedition... Helvetica L Helvetica Light Times Geneva Arial %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv begi /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repeaC t setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if )0.5333 0.5333 0.5333 _cv begin strgb end Xdrw2 1 1 1 E _cv begin strgb end 1 1 1 _cv begin strgb end DDDDDD DDDDDD )0.2667 0.2667 0.2667 _cv begin strgb end Xdrw2 DDDDDDDDDDDD )0.2667 0.2667 0.2667 _cv begin strgb end )0.2667 0.2667 0.2667 _cv begin strgb endG )0.2667 0.2667 0.2667 _cv begin strgb end %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv begiB /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repea t setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if 1 _cv begin stg end `drw2 1 _cv begin stg end 0.8000 0 0 _cv begin strgb end %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv begi /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repeaC t setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if 0drw2 ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv begiB /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repea t setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if 0 0 0.5333 _cv begin strgb end 0drw2 0 0 0.5333 _cv begin strgb end ~ffff ffffff ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv begiB /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repea t setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if 1 _cv begin stg end 0drw2 1 _cv begin stg end ~ffff ffffff ffffJ ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv begiB /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repea t setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if 0drw2 ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv begiB /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repea t setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if 1 _cv begin stg end 0drw2 1 _cv begin stg end ~ffff ffffff ffffJ ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv begi /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repeaC t setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if 1 _cv begin stg end 0drw2 1 _cv begin stg end ~ffff ffffff ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv B begin /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}r epeat setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if )0.6000 0.4000 0.2000 _cv begin strgb end 0drw2 )0.6000 0.4000 0.2000 _cv begin strgb end ffffF ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv B begin /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}r epeat setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if )0.7333 0.7333 0.7333 _cv begin strgb end 0drw2 )0.7333 0.7333 0.7333 _cv begin strgb end ffffF ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" $0.6000 0.4000 0 _cv begin strgb end _cv begin stg end $0.6000 0.4000 0 _cv begin strgb end 1 _cv begin stg end 0drw2 1 _cv begin stg end 1drw2 1 _cv begin stg end 4drw2 DATA ENTRY Helvetica %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv B begin /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}r epeat setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if 0drw2D ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv begi /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repeaC t setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if )0.7333 0.7333 0.7333 _cv begin strgb end 0drw2 )0.7333 0.7333 0.7333 _cv begin strgb end ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv B begin /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}r epeat setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if T:P0 (JP*d @(0 )0.8125 0.8125 0.8125 _cv begin strgb end `drw2 0 _cv begin stg end )0.8125 0.8125 0.8125 _cv begin strgb end 0 _cv begin stg end """""" """""" )0.1333 0.1333 0.1333 _cv begin strgb end `drw2 """""""""""" )0.1333 0.1333 0.1333 _cv begin strgb end )0.1333 0.1333 0.1333 _cv begin strgb end )0.1333 0.1333 0.1333 _cv begin strgb end DDDDDD DDDDDD )0.2667 0.2667 0.2667 _cv begin strgb end `drw2 DDDDDDDDDDDD )0.2667 0.2667 0.2667 _cv begin strgb end )0.2667 0.266R 7 0.2667 _cv begin strgb end )0.2667 0.2667 0.2667 _cv begin strgb end """""" )0.5083 0.5083 0.5083 _cv begin strgb end `drw2 """""" )0.1333 0.1333 0.1333T _cv begin strgb end )0.5083 0.5083 0.5083 _cv begin strgb end )0.1333 0.1333 0.1333 _cv begin strgb end )0.6416 0.6416 0.6416 _cv begin strgb end `drw2 0 _cv begin stg end )0.6416 0.6416 0.6416 _cv begin strgb end 0 _cv begin stg end DDDDDD )0.1333 0.1333 0.1333 _cv begin strgb end `drw2 DDDDDD 0 _cv begin stg end )0.1333 0.1333 0.1333 _cv begin strgb end 0 _cv begin stg end )0.6875 0.6875 0.6875 _cv begin strgb end `drw2 0 _cv begin stg end )0.6875 0.6875 0.6875 _cv begin strgb end 0 _cv begin stg end Xdrw2 currentpoint currentpoint /DamPage MkerSv save def _cv begin 2 index sub exch 3 index sub 7 div min1 exch 7 div min1 2 copy scale 3 -1 roll exch div 3 1 roll div 536 sub exch 310 sub translate end 1 _cv begin stg end pnewp^ 536.7500 310.5000 moveto 536.7500 310.5000 542.7500 316.5000 542.7500 316.5000 curveto closepath eofill DamPageMkerSv restore currentpoint currentpoint /DamPageMkerSv save def _cv begin 2 index sub exch 3 index sub 7 div min1 exch 7 div min1 2 copy scale 3 -1 roll exch div 3 1 roll div 536 sub exch 310 sub translate end 1 _cv b` egin stg end newpath 536.7500 310.5000 moveto 536.7500 310.5000 542.7500 316.5000 542.7500 316.5000 curveto 0.7500 0.7500 scale 1 setlinewidth stroke DamPageMkerSv restore Xdrw2 currentpoint currentpoint /DamPageMkerSv save def _cv begin 2 index sub exch 3 index sub 7 div min1 exch 7 div min1 2 copy scale 3 -1 roll exch div 3 1 roll div 497 sub exch 297 sub translate end 1 _cv begin stg end pnewpath 497.5000 297.5000 moveto 497.5000 297.5000 503.5000 303.5000 503.5000 303.5000 curveto closepath eofill DamPageMkerSv restore currentpoint currentpoint /DamPageMkerSv save def _cv begin 2 index sub exch 3 index sub 7 div min1 exch 7 div min1 2 copy scale 3 -1 roll e xch div 3 1 roll div 497 sub exch 297 sub translate end 1 _cv begin stg end newpath 497.5000 297.5000 moveto 497.5000 297.5000 503.5000 303.5000 503.5000 303.5000 curveto 0.7500 0.7500 scale 1f setlinewidth stroke DamPageMkerSv restore Xdrw2 currentpoint currentpoint /DamPageMkerSv save def _cv begin 2 index sub exch 3 index sub 7h div min1 exch 7 div min1 2 copy scale 3 -1 roll exch div 3 1 roll div 356 sub exch 297 sub translate end 1 _cv begin stg end pnewpath 356.7500 297.2500 moveto 356.7500 297.2500 362.7500 303.25 00 362.7500 303.2500 curveto closepath eofill DamPageMkerSv restore currentpoint currentpoint /DamPageMkerSv save def _cv begin 2 indej x sub exch 3 index sub 7 div min1 exch 7 div min1 2 copy scale 3 -1 roll exch div 3 1 roll div 356 sub exch 297 sub translate end 1 _cv begin stg end newpath 356.7500 297.2500 moveto 356.7500 297.2500 362.7500 303.2500 362.7500 303.2500 curveto 0.7500 0.7500 scale 1 setlinewidth stroke DamPageMkerSv restore Xdrw2 currentpoint currentpoint /DamPageMkerSv save def _cv begin 2 index sub exch 3 index sub 7 div min1 exch 6 div min1 2 copy scale 3 -1 roll exch div 3 1 roll div 356 sub exch 240 sub translate end 1 _cv begin stg endn \newpath 356.7500 240 moveto 356.7500 240 362.7500 246 362.7500 246 curveto closepath eofill DamPageMkerSv restore currentpoint currentpoint /DamPageMkerSv save def _cv begin 2 index sub exch 3 index sub 7 div min1 exch 6 div min1 2 copy scale 3 -1 roll exch div 3 1 roll div 356 sub exch 240 sub translate end 1 _cv begin stgp unewpath 356.7500 240 moveto 356.7500 240 362.7500 246 362.7500 246 curveto 0.7500 0.7500 scale 1 setlinewidth stroke DamPageMkerSv restore 0drw2 %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if begin /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}rC epeat setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if T:P0 (JP*d @(0 )0.8125 0.8125 0.8125 _cv begin strgb end `drw2 0 _cv begin stg end )0.8125 0.8125 0.8125 _cv begin strgb end 0 _cv begin stg end """""" """""" )0.1333 0.1333 0.1333 _cv begin strgb end `drw2 """""""""""" )0.1333 0.1333 0.1333 _cv begin strgb end )0.1333 0.1333 0.1333 _cv begin strgb end )0.1333 0.1333 0.1333 _cv begin strgb end DDDDDD DDDDDD )0.2667 0.2667 0.2667 _cv begin strgb end `drw2 DDDDDDDDDDDD )0.2667 0.2667 0.2667 _cv begin strgb end )0.2667 0.266 7 0.2667 _cv begin strgb end )0.2667 0.2667 0.2667 _cv begin strgb end """""" )0.5083 0.5083 0.5083 _cv begin strgb end `drw2 """""" )0.1333 0.1333 0.1333 _cv begin strgb end )0.5083 0.5083 0.5083 _cv begin strgb end )0.1333 0.1333 0.1333 _cv begin strgb end )0.6416 0.6416 0.6416 _cv begin strgb end `drw2 0 _cv begin stg end )0.6416 0.6416 0.6416 _cv begin strgb end 0 _cv begin stg end DDDDDD )0.1333 0.1333 0.1333 _cv begin strgb end `drw2 DDDDDD 0 _cv begin stg end )0.1333 0.1333 0.1333 _cv begin strgb end 0 _cv begin stg end )0.6875 0.6875 0.6875 _cv begin strgb end `drw2 0 _cv begin stg end )0.6875 0.6875 0.6875 _cv[ begin strgb end 0 _cv begin stg end Xdrw2 currentpoint currentpoint /DamPage] MkerSv save def _cv begin 2 index sub exch 3 index sub 7 div min1 exch 7 div min1 2 copy scale 3 -1 roll exch div 3 1 roll div 536 sub exch 310 sub translate end 1 _cv begin stg end pnewp 536.7500 310.5000 moveto 536.7500 310.5000 542.7500 316.5000 542.7500 316.5000 curveto closepath eofill DamPageMkerSv restore currentpoint currentpoint_ /DamPageMkerSv save def _cv begin 2 index sub exch 3 index sub 7 div min1 exch 7 div min1 2 copy scale 3 -1 roll exch div 3 1 roll div 536 sub exch 310 sub translate end 1 _cv b egin stg end newpath 536.7500 310.5000 moveto 536.7500 310.5000 542.7500 316.5000 542.7500 316.5000 curveto 0.7500 0.7500 scale 1 setlinewidth stroke DamPageMkerSv restore Xdrw2 currentpoint currentpoint /DamPageMkerSv save def _cv begin 2 index sub exch 3 index sub 7 div min1 exch 7 div min1 2 copy scale 3 -1 roll exch div 3 1 roll div 497c sub exch 297 sub translate end 1 _cv begin stg end pnewpath 497.5000 297.5000 moveto 497.5000 297.5000 503.5000 303.5000 503.5000 303.5000 curveto closepath eofill DamPageMkerSv restore currentpoint currentpoint /DamPageMkerSv save def _cv begin 2 index sub exch 3 index sub 7 div min1 exch 7 div min1 2 copy scale 3 -1 roll ee xch div 3 1 roll div 497 sub exch 297 sub translate end 1 _cv begin stg end newpath 497.5000 297.5000 moveto 497.5000 297.5000 503.5000 303.5000 503.5000 303.5000 curveto 0.7500 0.7500 scale 1 setlinewidth stroke DamPageMkerSv restore Xdrw2 currentpoint currentpoint /DamPageMkerSv save def _cv begin 2 index sub exch 3 index sub 7 div min1 exch 7 div min1 2 copy scale 3 -1 roll exch div 3 1 roll div 356 sub exch 297 sub translate end 1 _cv begin stg end pnewpath 356.7500 297.2500 moveto 356.7500 297.2500 362.7500 303.25i 00 362.7500 303.2500 curveto closepath eofill DamPageMkerSv restore currentpoint currentpoint /DamPageMkerSv save def _cv begin 2 inde x sub exch 3 index sub 7 div min1 exch 7 div min1 2 copy scale 3 -1 roll exch div 3 1 roll div 356 sub exch 297 sub translate end 1 _cv begin stg end newpath 356.7500 297.2500 moveto 356.7500 k 297.2500 362.7500 303.2500 362.7500 303.2500 curveto 0.7500 0.7500 scale 1 setlinewidth stroke DamPageMkerSv restore Xdrw2 currentpoint currentpoint /DamPageMkerSv save def _cv begin 2 index sub exch 3 index sub 7 div min1 exch 6 div min1 2 copy scale 3 -1 roll exch div 3 1 roll div 356 sub exch 240 sub translate end 1 _cv begin stg end \newpath 356.7500 240 moveto 356.7500 240 362.7500 246 362.7500 246 curveto closepath eofill DamPageMkerSv restore currentpoint currentpoint /DamPageMkerSv save def _cv begin 2 index sub exch 3 index sub 7 div min1 exch 6 div min1 2 copy scale 3 -1 roll exch div 3 1 roll div 356 sub exch 240 sub translate end 1 _cv begin stg unewpath 356.7500 240 moveto 356.7500 240 362.7500 246 362.7500 246 curveto 0.7500 0.7500 scale 1 setlinewidth stroke DamPageMkerSv restore 0drw2 %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv begin /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repeat setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if DDDDDD )0.2667 0.2667 0.2667 _cv begin strgb end 0drw2 DDDDDD )0.2667 0.2667 0.2667 _cv begin strgb end ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv begin /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repeat C setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if )0.7333 0.7333 0.7333 _cv begin strgb end 0drw2 )0.7333 0.7333 0.7333 _cv begin strgb end ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv begin /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repeat setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if 0drw2 ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv begin /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repeat setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if )0.8000 0.8000 0.8000 _cv begin strgb end 0drw2 )0.8000 0.8000 0.8000 _cv begin strgb end ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv begin /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repeat C setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if 0drw2 ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" %%DSIDICT:_cv currentdict /bu known {bu}if userdict /_cv known not{userdict /_cv 30 dict put}if _cv begin /bdf{bind def}bind def currentscreen/cs exch def/ca exch def/cf exch def systemdict/setcmykcolor known{/cvcmyk /setcmykcolor load def}{/cvcmyk{1 sub 4 1 roll 3{3 index add neg dup 0 lt{pop 0}if 3 1 roll}repeat setrgbcolor pop}bdf}ifelse /ss{//cf //ca //cs setscreen}bdf /stg{ss setgray}bdf /strgb{ss setrgbcolor}bdf /stcmyk{ss cvcmyk}bdf /min1{dup 0 eq{pop 1}if}bdf currentdict /bn known {bn}if 0drw2 ~ffff ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" Main Dictionary User Dictionary 'LxIqD LxIqD 'LxIqD 1T9VqD Helvetica L Helvetica Light Times Geneva Arial